Oregon County Urges ‘Legislative Action’ On Joining Idaho


In Crook County, Oregon, ranches lie scattered across the high desert. Many locals drive large pickups, and some still ride horses. It is rare to find what many Americans consider the “typical Oregonian” – the Millennial leftist driving a small car, demanding others “coexist.”

This kind of difference led Crook County to pass a measure in May to “represent that its citizens support efforts to move the Idaho state border to include Crook County.” 

The Crook County commissioners sent a letter to state legislators Aug. 7, reportedly requesting “legislative action” and asking them to advance talks with Idaho about the issue.

“[O]ur citizens encourage continued discussions with our Idahoan neighbors regarding the possibility of a westward relocation of the Oregon-Idaho border,” the commissioners wrote, “potentially resulting in all or a portion of…

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