Belatedly I noticed that today is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, so I write more in haste (to not miss the occasion) than in exhaustively researched reflection.
It takes no exhaustive research, though, for any reasonable, freedom-loving human to be thankful for NATO’s salutary existence and to be angry at those, including orange-haired Putin-lovers, who would allow or even hasten its demise.
Originally a 12-nation alliance, now 32 nations strong, NATO always has been and still remains a purely defensive federation. It never has taken, or even threatened to take, any sovereign, foreign territory. Formed solely to deter and, if need be, repel aggression, NATO is a nearly ideal manifestation of the (small-‘r’) republican ethos: It safeguards liberty and human rights while inspiring other nations to do likewise.
NATO’s existence…