Okay, Which Masked Singer is Rudy Giuliani?


Fox’s The Masked Singer is no stranger to controversial guest stars. Sarah Palin rapped “Baby Got Back” as the Bear in season 3. And Logan Paul played a monster (what a reach!) in 2021. But the latest stunt casting was too much for even hosts Ken Jeong and Robin Thicke. That’s right, Robin Thicke had ethical qualms. According to Deadline, both Jeong and Thicke walked off set when it was revealed Rudy “Four Seasons Total Landscaping” Giuliani was one of season 7’s masked singers. Deadline declined to spill which figure Giuliani is, “so you can still revel in his reveal,” but we here at Vulture have no such compunctions. Which dead-eyed mascot contains a dead-eyed former mayor within its foam latex flesh? Let the wild speculation begin!

Season 7’s contestants are split into three categories: the Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly. Truly…

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