Off-Planet Dreams is a delightfully tricky Playdate platformer with invisible puzzles


Off-Planet Dreams gives you everything you need to succeed, if you really want that. Help is just a few button-presses away at (almost) all times. Because of that, it feels uniquely accessible for what it is — an “invisible puzzle platformer” designed to trip you up over and over again until you’ve learned enough from your mistakes to move forward. Depending on how you approach it, Off-Planet Dreams is either a trial-and-error nightmare loop or a relatively easygoing platform adventure. Or something between the two. I died 274 times in my first playthrough, if that’s any indication of how challenging it can be.

Off-Planet Dreams presents you (playing as a blob) with a grid and some floating doors, and says, essentially, ‘okay, now find your way out.’ There are platforms that form a path to each door, but all the platforms are invisible. This is where the game’s…

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