Octogenarian Jane Fonda insists Biden is ‘perfectly suited’ to be president

Actress and activist Jane Fonda dismissed concerns that President Joe Biden is too old to serve another term in the White House, arguing “he’s just fine.” 

The question on Biden’s mental fitness has been raised by many ahead of the election after numerous clips online showing him standing motionless or wandering away from events. Fonda, 85, said that the age of the oldest president is nothing to worry about.

“I can tell you that you do get wiser, and you do learn things; you learn from your mistakes,” Fonda told CNN. “And I have seen him up close and personal, and he’s fine. He’s perfectly suited to be president of the United States. I don’t know because of, or in spite of the age, he’s just fine, and he’s someone we can work with, and that’s what we need. We don’t need a demi-god.”

Fonda also admitted that she was not “100% happy” with Biden but…

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