Nobel Economists Fear a Trump Inflation Bomb After Missing Biden’s

These are the same economists who failed to predict inflation in 2021.

A group of Nobel prize-winning economists is sounding alarm bells that former President Donald Trump’s economic policies will reignite inflation should he secure a second term in the White House. The irony is that these are the same chorus of professionals who failed to forecast inflation in 2021, with some shrugging off the legitimate concern as hogwash, pish-posh, and fiddlesticks. How could they have missed it? Perhaps they just can’t afford to see it. Nearly all of them have a history of political donations to Democrats in general and Joe Biden specifically, and the man whose signature appears first on both documents, George Akerlof, is husband to Janet Yellen, Biden’s secretary of the Treasury.

Trumponomics Will Relight Inflation Flame?

In a…

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