No, Climate Change Isn’t Making Your Coffee More Expensive – RedState


Much, indeed most, of the legacy media and activist Democrats (but I repeat myself) are all in on anthropogenic climate change being the existential crisis of our time. Of course, as I’ve written many times and have been pointed out many times in the comments by our well-informed readers, the climate has always changed and it always will, and through most of the earth’s history, it has been warmer than it is now. 

But the legacy media and climate activists (and again, I repeat myself) don’t let geological history get in the way of a good scare-mongering. In the latest such, we see that a major outlet is warning us that climate change is driving up the price of coffee.

There’s a problem: They’re wrong. An article by Anthony Watts at Climate Realism has the data.

NBC News recently published an article asserting that climate change is driving up coffee prices by adversely affecting…

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