‘Nightmare’ Kash Patel Will Disable FBI that Protects Us Against Terrorism

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) claimed Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for FBI director, Kash Patel, has “nightmare views” that will “close the part of the FBI that helps protect us” against foreign terrorism.

Whitehouse said, “Remember the history of all of this. We, for a long time as Americans, have made the determination that we did not want the CIA and other American intelligence agencies operating within the United States against Americans. And the FBI had a criminal law enforcement responsibility, and it was focused on terrorism primarily as a criminal act.”

He continued, “Then came 9/11 and people understood that the firewall between the intelligence community looking outward and the FBI only looking at criminal matters inward was a failed prescription and that we needed to coordinate better. We…

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