New York Politician Is Advocating for… Secession? Didn’t We Already Try That Once? – RedState


It seems like this issue keeps coming around after every election; the side that loses calls for a national divorce, that is, or just for certain states to leave the union. In the latest such example, following the Republican wins in the 2024 election, New York state Senator, Liz Krueger, a Democrat from New York City, is proposing that the state of New York secede from the Union – and join Canada.

Yeah, that’s not happening.

New York state legislators have hinted at using unusual tactics to combat the incoming Trump administration, including holding back federal taxes and leaving the United States to join Canada.

State Sen. Liz Krueger, a prominent Democrat from New York City who is also the chairwoman of the state Senate Finance Committee, proposed the ideas as state Democrats only have weeks to counter President-elect Donald Trump before he takes…

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