New Report Calls Russia Nukes ‘Acute Threat’


The Congressional Research Service portrays the Kremlin as eminently dangerous.

With each new report, Russia’s nuclear capability grows more ominous. Conversely, Americans are becoming desensitized to the disquieting assessments of a chief adversary and threat to the US. Over the past four years, nuclear threats have grown, but national security leaders appear not to have embraced the peril with enthusiasm equal to the danger. There has been a palpable malaise if not a desperate attempt to sustain the status quo. There is no sense of urgency to address a menacing nuclear foe like Russia.

Russia Has Warned the West

It’s not that there haven’t been persistent warnings about the nuclear threats. However, this most recent report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) portrays a foreboding menace that should be on…

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