Nevada’s housing crisis: Where the problem came from and why experts don’t like Biden’s approach

As Democrats and Republicans pitch their hot-button talking points this election cycle, voters in Nevada might want to hear a little more about one issue that hits even closer to home: housing. 

Nevada is facing some of the highest housing prices in the nation. Debate around how to solve the problem comes down to a fundamental difference in worldview. Will more regulations, rent controls, and federally subsidized affordable housing fix the problem? Or is expanding free market solutions the answer to bringing down housing costs?

Nevada’s housing shortage is caused, in part, by a flush of new residents, many from neighboring California. Since 2020, 158,000 Californians have flocked to Nevada, now making up 43% of all new Nevada residents in the last four years. Additionally, the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles said approximately 250,000 Californians moved to Nevada between 2015…

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