One of the biggest Netflix original series set to arrive later this year is “The Sandman,” a fantasy epic based on the acclaimed comic book written by Neil Gaiman. The author recently told Empire magazine that his main goal with the Netflix adaptation is to constantly surprise the viewer, so much so that all episodes of “The Sandman” will feel wildly different from each other. Gaiman wants Netflix’s “The Sandman” to be impossible to pin down with its genre-spanning and tone-switching approach.
“You watch Episode 1 and think, ‘Oh, I get this thing: it’s like “Downton Abbey,” but with magic,’” Gaiman said. “Then you’ll be wondering, ‘What the hell is this?’ by Episode 2, when you’re meeting Gregory The Gargoyle in The Dreaming. Episode 5 is about as dark and traumatic as anything is ever gonna get, then you’ve got Episode 6, which is…