NDAA 2025 amends Selective Service Act to include WOMEN in military draft – NaturalNews.com

The powers that be (TPTB) are readying the masses for another global, and likely thermonuclear, war that will be so intense as to require the assistance of women on the front lines.

The latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2025 – the NDAA is basically an annual set of blueprints drummed up by the military-industrial complex to keep its global police state intact – initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women as well as men.

To grant American women the equality they have long fought for, TPTB will require both men and women and everything in between – this means you as well, LGBTQPs! – to register for Selective Service. In other words, once the wealthy private bankers run out of willing bodies to fight their wars, you and your family, regardless of gender, will be forced to fight for Ukraine or Israel or whatever…

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