Michelle Obama Frustrated With Biden Family, How They Barred Her Friend and Hunter’s Ex-Wife – RedState

Former first lady Michelle Obama is reportedly unwilling to publicly campaign for President Biden as he seeks re-election. A new report out today explains that Obama is reluctant in part because of the way the Biden family treated her close friend and Hunter’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle. 

Obama has been off the campaign trail and not nearly as involved as she was in 2020. The two sources familiar with the relationship said Obama’s disdain for partisan politics also plays a role in her absence this election cycle. 

Obama reportedly told Hunter’s ex-wife that she had been wronged by the Biden family after the details emerged from Buhle’s 22-year marriage to Hunter. 

Here is part of Axios’ breakdown of the situation:

Michelle Obama also was initially reluctant to campaign for Biden after he became the Democratic nominee in 2020, people familiar with the situation told Axios.

Biden’s team…

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