The life of Michael Jackson will be the subject of a new biopic called Michael, Lionsgate, who now has the distribution rights, announced on Monday. The film is set to be co-produced by Bohemian Rhapsody‘s Graham King, along with John Branca and John McClain, who are at the helm of Jackson’s estate.
The screenplay, written by John Logan, is set to provide “an in-depth portrayal of the complicated man who became the King of Pop,” according to a release, and will showcase some of the singer’s biggest performances with “informed insight” into Jackson’s creative process. Logan has written screenplays for films such as Genius, Skyfall, The Aviator, and Hugo.
“Ever since Michael was little, as a member of the Jackson 5, he loved the magic of cinema,” said Michael’s mother Katherine Jackson in the release. “As a family, we are honored to have our life story…