Media Fear-Mongers That Orange Man’s Tariffs Are Bad


Trump’s Tariffs Are Not Inflationary

Given the conversation on cable news over the weekend, it behooves us at the Breitbart Business Digest to again explain that Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs are not necessarily inflationary, and the people telling you that they are are partisan hacks with no credibility on the matter.

It all (re-)started over the weekend when ABC’s Jonathan Karl, an anti-Trump activist who has accused the former president of waging “an assault on truth,” spoke with Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen about the former president’s prosed tariff scheme – for all of about five seconds.

The transcript:

KARL: I, very quickly, want to ask you, Donald Trump floated an idea of replacing all federal income taxes with high tariffs. Any way that that is remotely feasible?

YELLEN: It would require tariffs well over 100 percent.

KARL: Okay…


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