Meati Foods bites into another $100M amid growth to 7,000 retail locations


Mushrooms continue to be a big area for alternative proteins. Canada-based Maia Farms recently raised $1.7 million to develop a blend of mushroom and plant-based protein using biomass fermentation. There’s also MyForest Foods and Fable Food.

Then there’s Meati Foods, which claims it’s like no other alternative protein. The company makes cutlets and steaks from mycelium, or mushroom root.

“It’s truly a next generation revolutionary protein,” CEO Phil Graves told TechCrunch. “It’s a product that’s rooted in nature. It’s not genetically modified. We just take something from nature, channel it, give it the nutrients and minerals that it needs to flourish. We then get the equivalent of hundreds of cows’ worth of protein in four or five days time.”

Perhaps that’s why Meati continues to secure some big funding.

On Wednesday, the Boulder,…

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