McConnell Labels Biden a ‘Good Guy’ as Trump Calls Him ‘Crooked Joe’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) described President Joe Biden as a “good guy,” while former President Donald Trump has labeled him “Crooked Joe.”

While speaking to a live audience in Louisville on Tuesday, McConnell said he likes Biden “personally” but disagrees with Biden’s policies, according to the Hill. McConnell went on to criticize Biden for signing “up with the far left of the Democratic Party” and creating a “regulatory nightmare.”

WATCH — Trump After Being Declared Official GOP Nominee: “Crooked” Joe Biden “Must be Defeated”:

Team Trump via Storyful

“I know Joe Biden pretty well,” McConnell said. “He’s a good guy; I like him personally.”

McConnell’s words about Biden come in contrast to how the former president has described Biden.

Trump described Biden as being a, “walking LYING MACHINE” on Wednesday,…

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