A man in an Altoona, Pennsylvania, McDonald’s was taken in for questioning Monday after he was believed to resemble photos of the man the NYPD has been hunting since Brian Thompson’s murder.
Breitbart News reported that 50-year-old Thompson was killed Wednesday at 6:44 a.m. outside the Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan.
December 9, 2024, marked the sixth day of the manhunt for the killer and numerous reports now indicate police have taken the individual in Altoona in for questioning.
NBC New York cited “sources” to say the man being questioned “was found with a gun similar to the one used in the shooting.”
NewsBuster’s Curtis Houck quoted CNN’s John Miller:
This starts as a very routine day in a McDonald’s in Altoona, Pennsylvania, which has like three McDonald’s, but an employee there looks at this person and has been seeing on CNN and everywhere else…