Lost Hiker Survives 10 Days by Drinking from Boots – Def-Con News

Lukas McClish was rescued Thursday evening with no major injuries after wandering Big Basin Redwoods State Park for 10 days, telling KSBW News that he had left home on the morning of June 11 and “I didn’t bring anything, because I thought I was doing a three-hour hike to go to work.”

This from newsmax.com.

The Washington Post reported on Monday:

A 34-year-old resident of Boulder Creek, California, got lost in the woods for 10 days without food or supplies, but managed to survive by drinking large quantities of water out of his hiking boots.

McClish said that after he realized he was lost:

I kind of just hiked each day. I’d go up a canyon, down a canyon to the next waterfall and sit down by the waterfall and drink water out of my boot.

He added that he also…

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