Liberty and Justice for All: The Pledge of Allegiance

By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. PhD

On an early fall morning, 132 years ago today, thousands of kids at schools throughout America rose together and looked up to a crisp, new American flag in their classroom. They then began to recite in unison the Pledge of Allegiance, 23 words authored by an American few today honor or even remember.

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands – one nation indivisible – with liberty and justice for all.”

But these few words constitute a far weightier statement about America than is generally acknowledged.

The Winding Path of the Pledge

Although the first version of America’s “pledge” was written after the Civil War by Union Army Captain George Thatcher Balch, it was another American who penned the version we recite (with a few changes) today.

It is said that Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge…

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