Liberal Media At A Crossroads — Start Winning Again, Or Cave To Ideologically-Obsessed Activists

Clashes at The Washington Post (WaPo) between publisher Will Lewis and the company’s staff highlight a growing trend of activist-minded reporters butting heads with their business side throughout liberal media — and a stark decline in these outlets’ performances show their current model is simply not working.

Outlets like WaPo, The New York Times and NPR have all experienced high-profile inner conflicts between management and underlings in recent months. These battles underscore a shift in media where reporters see themselves as the vanguard for democracy rather than objective fact-finders, former employees and media analysts told the Daily Caller.

“I think what we’ve seen over the past decade as politics has become more ideological, is that no family, no institution, has been spared the consequences of things becoming more ideological,” Andy Mills, a former New York…

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