LGBTQ Flocking to Gun Ranges Ahead of Trump Inauguration


A report from the Philadelphia Inquirer indicates LGBTQ groups and others in liberal voting blocs are buying guns for self-defense ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration.

According to the Inquirer, “The … Liberal Gun Club … has received thousands of training requests since the election, more than in all of 2023,” a quarter of which are from members of the LGBTQ community.

The Socialist Rifle Association has seen a surge in memberships as well, as have the Pink Pistols.

A Pink Pistols’ slogan says, “Armed Gays Don’t Get Bashed.”

Matthew Thompson, a New Jersey resident who is gay, said, “The people I’ve been seeing on the left and the gay people who are out purchasing guns for the first time, it’s all about self-defense and fear … We’re not looking to arm up and storm the Capitol. We just don’t want to be put in concentration camps.”

The Baltimore…

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