We still can’t believe Californians elected Adam Schiff … again. And as a senator this time around.
Then again, we suppose it is California. Still, we know there are a few smart people left there, c’mon you guys! Surely you don’t want this nob representing you at the federal level, right?
Seems Schiff is trying to humanize himself here while sucking up to Californians in this gag-worthy thread. Hey, we had to read it so do you.
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve all Californians as their next United States Senator.
(Thread 🧵)
— Adam Schiff (@SenAdamSchiff) December 9, 2024
My family came to the Golden State when I was a child in the hope of finding a strong economy, safe neighborhoods, and good schools.
And we found all that we could hope for in each of these respects.