Legendary Bollywood singer Lata Mangeshkar, “the Nightingale of India,” died Sunday at the age of 92. The prolific voice behind Indian film and devotional songs had been battling a Covid-19 infection since early January in the ICU of Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai, Times of India reports.
While it was reported that Mangeshkar had shown signs of recovery last week and was taken off ventilator support, her condition was critical by February 5th. The artist was responding to “aggressive therapy” for a while, according to hospital authorities at Breach Candy.
“I am anguished beyond words,” India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted. “She leaves a void in our nation that cannot be filled. The coming generations will remember her as a stalwart of Indian culture, whose melodious voice had an unparalleled ability to mesmerize people.” India also declared two days of…