Peloton laid off around 2,800 corporate employees as part of its attempt to get past its growth struggles following a meteoric rise to fame in the early days of the pandemic. Some of them are understandably upset and angry, and according to CNBC, some of them have crashed the company’s first all-hands meeting meant to introduce the new CEO.
In addition to letting 20 percent of its workforce go — no instructors were affected by the layoffs — Peloton also replaced its top executive. John Foley, who’s also a company co-founder, stepped down and was replaced with former Spotify COO Barry McCarthy. CNBC says both former and current employees fired off angry comments in the meeting’s chat section, with one calling the all-hands “awfully tone deaf.”
Another person proclaimed that they’re selling all their Peloton apparel to be able to pay their bills. “The company messed up by…