Kremlin Blames Ukraine for Jew Hunting Muslim Mob at Dagestan Airport


The Kremlin and Russian state media have attempted to shift the blame onto Ukraine and other foreign “interference” for the shocking scenes witnessed in Dagestan on Sunday when an angry mob of Muslims waving Palestinian flags stormed an airport to search for “Jewish refugees” following rumours online of a plane arriving from Israel.

In deeply embarrassing events for Moscow which unfolded at the Makhachkala airport in the Russian-controlled republic of Dagestan on Sunday evening, hoards of mostly young men chanting “Allahu Akbar” ransacked the airport in a desperate search to prevent Jewish people from entering the country. Not only did the mob clash with Russian riot police and damage the infrastructure of the building, but also broke onto the tarmac and went plane by plane demanding passengers present their passports to prove they were not from Israel.

Moscow has…

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