Just How Important is Trump’s VP Pick?

A new Rasmussen Poll has some surprising results.

It is the morning after, so to speak, when politicos, their sycophants, and party apparatchiks are sporting a football-sized hangover. The first big presidential debate is now in the rearview mirror, and the spin doctors are hard at work. They know no matter how exciting, the shelf life of this debate will eventually reach its expiration date. And when they turn their attention to the next mammoth-sized moment in the election, it’s likely to include this question: Who will be Trump’s VP pick?

Political junkies have been placing their bets for a while now, guessing, divining, and trying to read even the tiniest of tea leaves that might float by. But discerning the mind of Donald J. Trump is a daunting task to say the least. Will he follow the same trajectory he did last…

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