July 4th BBQ meal cost up $11.72 since Biden bragged about $0.16 price drop in 2021
This year, Americans are suffering through what RNC Research described as the “most expensive Independence Day on Record,” complements of the Biden regime.
A mass email from RNC Research that cites data from the American Farm Bureau Federation claims that the same Fourth of July barbecue meal that the Biden White House bragged was $0.16 cheaper in 2021 compared to 2020 under Donald Trump is now $11.72 more expensive in 2024 thanks to runaway inflation.
In July 2021, the White House uploaded a video for the American public claiming that Joe Biden’s economic policies had resulted in a meager decrease in July 4th food prices. Fast-forward three years and that same meal is now more expensive than ever before.
“After the Biden White House attempted to brag about the price of an Independence Day…