Judge Cannon scolds Trump prosecutor: ‘I don’t appreciate your tone’

Judge Aileen Cannon pressed special counsel Jack Smith’s team during a hearing Monday about speech restrictions it was seeking to impose on Donald Trump, conveying skepticism that the former president’s words were, as Smith has argued, dangerous.

Cannon, a Trump appointee, had a couple of tense exchanges with one of the prosecutors, David Harbach, after questioning Harbach on what threats exactly Trump’s speech had prompted. Harbach became “snippy” during the questioning, according to CNN reports from the courtroom.

“I don’t appreciate your tone,” Cannon told him, cautioning the prosecutor to use “decorum.”

“If you aren’t able to do that, I’m sure one of your colleagues can take up arguing this motion,” the judge added.

Toward the end of the hearing, Harbach apologized.

“I didn’t mean to be unprofessional,” he said. “I’m sorry about…

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