Judge Against Florida Law Banning China Land Purchases Has Activist History

A U.S. judge who previously wrote a concurring opinion against Florida’s law barring Chinese nationals from purchasing land in the state has an activist history.

This past February, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals narrowly blocked a law that would restrict “Chinese citizens from buying land in the state from being enforced against two people who sued over the ban,” per the Hill:

A panel of judges from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals said in an order Thursday that the plaintiffs showed a “substantial likelihood of success” in proving their case against the law, which was signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in May 2023.

The appeals court panel did not entirely block the law but granted an injunction for the two plaintiffs, Yifan Shen and Zhiming Xu, who feared they would have to cancel contracts they had signed to buy homes.

The panel wrote in its…

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