Jon Stewart Lays Out the GOP Hypocrisy on Guns


Jon Stewart took the opportunity on Monday’s episode of The Daily Show to lay out “a quick state of play” on the upcoming presidential election in November, while also debunking the GOP narrative of crime in major cities.

“I guess the election has basically boiled down to each candidate accusing the other of having soup where there should be brain,” Stewart declared in his opening monologue (back in February, the host roasted both Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for their age-related blunders).

Stewart rolled a clip of the president during a skydiving demonstration “seemingly staring at what could only be considered ghosts or out-of-frame paratroopers,” and “somehow getting pulled back into frame, somehow giving the impression someone has just quantum-leaped into his body.”

The host then quipped, “As for Trump, basically it’s Trump tripping…

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