John Cleese Says Monty Python Were ‘Early Targets of Cancel Culture’


John Cleese, founder member of seminal British comedy group Monty Python, has said that they were “early targets” of cancel culture.

Cleese was speaking with The Sunday Times about his new GB News chat show “The Dinosaur Hour,” which has an episode on cancel culture. Monty Python’s 1979 film “Life of Brian” caused a furore when it released among some members of the Christian community.

“You could say that we were early targets of cancel culture,” Cleese told The Sunday Times. “People don’t like to have their cherished ideas punctured or questioned. We all love to live in our own closed systems of thought, to be surrounded by people who think a bit like us. This is what happens on the internet too, where you get these blasted echo chambers. It’s why comedy is even more important today as a way of pricking those bubbles, opening them up, letting in…

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