Joe Scarborough Loved 25th Amendment When It Came To Trump

Just a few headlines that ran during Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House not that long ago:

New York Times, February 2017: “Is It Time to Call Trump Mentally Ill?”

Vanity Fair, January 2018: “Has the Trump Dementia Coup Already Happened?”

Newsweek, January 2019: “Joe Scarborough Calls for 25th Amendment After Trump Cabinet Meeting, Says President Is ‘Not Fit to Hold the Office’”

Media talk about Trump’s mental fitness for office was routine during his presidency, just one ingredient in the hysteria crockpot that journalists and TV people in Washington and New York heated up for the purpose of kneecapping his agenda. It went into hyperdrive after the 2018 publication of Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury, a fantastical book about the Trump White House that the author admitted was in no small part fictionalized. Even so, the refrain by people…

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