Joe Biden Boasts About Buying ‘Made in America,’ Spends Over $1 Billion on Coronavirus Tests Made in China


President Joe Biden boasted on Friday that the federal government was finally purchasing goods “Made in America” just weeks after buying coronavirus tests made in China.

“I made it clear, that when the federal government spends taxpayer dollars we buy American products. American products, made in America,” Biden said, adding there had only been “very few exceptions” to the rule.

The president commented on his “Buy American” efforts during a speech at the White House about the January jobs report.

“It’s always been the law, it’s very seldom ever followed,” he said, about the principal to ensure government purchases American-made products. “Now it’s a reality, not an empty promise.”

Biden did not mention the federal government signed a $1.28 billion contract with China’s Andon Health Co., Ltd. in January to purchase over $250 million coronavirus…

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