Joe Biden and the Perils of Blind Ambition

Maybe the Democrats should have realized what the nation had discovered as far back as 1988, and then again in 2008. Those years were the building blocks of an endlessly ambitious quest for the highest office in the land by a man who bragged from an early age that he would one day become president. Those who recount the first signs of his enormous ambition say Joe Biden spoke of the what – becoming president – but never of the why. Why, beyond his own personal ambition, would this son of a used car salesman believe himself qualified to lead the nation?

That question is now front and center in the minds of millions of voters in the wake of a virtually disqualifying performance by the sitting president under the klieg lights on Thursday, June 27, 2024, a day that will undoubtedly live in infamy on the left. A history all but buried by elite media, now…

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