Jill Biden catches herself using VP’s ‘joy’ line and quickly mocks it: ‘You’re all reading into that’


First lady Jill Biden spoke about the feeling of the holiday season at the White House and used Vice President Kamala Harris‘s often-used word “joy” but quickly backtracked her comments with a snarky quip.

“I’m so glad that you got to come here today because the White House is decorated,” the first lady said on Wednesday to the crowd at the White House Conference on Women’s Health Research event.

“The theme this year is peace and light. So I hope that you all feel that sense of peace and light. Just for a moment when you leave here today, when you feel — I don’t know,” Biden said as she paused, searching for the right word to use.

“A sense of joy,” she continued. “Because I think we all need to feel joy now during this time of the season. … Just during this time.”

As the crowd…

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