Jews Should Proudly Put Their Menorahs Outside on Hanukkah


JERUSALEM, Israel — Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism, told Breitbart News on Sunday that Jews around the world should place their menorah lamps proudly outside their homes this Hanukkah holiday.

“On this Chanukah, particularly, put your chanukiyah (menorah) outside. Let the world see your chanukiyah. Spread the light.”
Hanukkah (alternatively, Chanukah) celebrates the victory of Jewish rebels against the ruling Syrian Greeks, who had tried to stamp out the practice of Judaism in the second century B.C. Tradition holds that when the Jewish fighters, the Maccabees, re-entered the Holy Temple, they discovered only enough pure oil to light the menorah or candelabra for one night, but it lasted for eight nights. In commemoration of that miracle, Jews light candles on a menorah for eight nights and place it in a window.


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