Jesse Watters Says if Dems Are Going to ‘Extinct’ Themselves, Get Out of the Way and Let ‘Em – RedState


In the natural evolution of America, political parties have come and gone. From the Whigs to the Bull Moose parties, the American people ultimately decide who they are aligned with and who they believe has America’s best interest at heart. There has always been a belief that a two-party system is a healthy thing for the country. While the vast majority of Americans love the country and want it to succeed, there are vastly different views on how to do that. Americans should debate and discuss those views; that back and forth is in our DNA. But what if one of those parties has all but made it clear that they do not have America’s best interest at heart?  

In the sweeping landscape of America, there are probably quite a few people who, in the last few years, have soured on the two-party system and wouldn’t have a problem with, for lack of a better way to put it, one-party “rule.” We…

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