Japanese banking giant Norinchukin PULLS PLUG on global financial system with $63 billion Treasuries, European bonds LIQUIDATION – NaturalNews.com

Japanese banking giant Norinchukin PULLS PLUG on global financial system with $63 billion Treasuries, European bonds LIQUIDATION

As many predicted, the next phase of the global financial collapse currently in motion is striking Japan as banking giant Norinchukin, best known as Japan’s “CLO whale,” liquidates $63 billion worth of U.S. Treasuries and European bonds to address the massive unrealized losses on its balance sheet.

Many people missed it, but last fall Norinchukin was quietly added to the private Federal Reserve banking cartel’s Standing Repo Facility, which Zero Hedge appropriately and simply describes as “the Fed’s foreign bank bailout slush fund,” effective Dec. 1, 2023.

Japan’s fifth largest bank with $840 billion in assets, Norinchukin will reportedly sell more than 10 trillion yen’s worth of its holdings of both U.S. and European government bonds during the year…

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