It’s a Perfect Time for EVs. It’s a Terrible Time for EVs


Gas price graphs look like sheer cliffs. Employers are finally summoning white-collar workers back to their offices and their commutes. Nations all over the world have banned Russian gas and oil following the country’s invasion of Ukraine. Plus, the ever-worsening climate crisis demands that humanity keep every possible bit of carbon out of the atmosphere (and even pull some out)—although transportation accounts for nearly a quarter of global emissions.

Gee, it sure would be a nice time to own an electric vehicle.

A bunch of people apparently agree. The car-shopping company Edmunds says that searches for hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and battery electric vehicles jumped nearly 40 percent over the past month—up 18 percent in the first week of March alone. Environmentalists and security wonks are in. Last week, a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council called for…

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