‘It Is in Us All’ Review: An Eerie Drama About the Death Drive


Early on in David Cronenberg’s “Crash,” two characters lock eyes across the crumpled hoods of their cars after a head-on collision. A strange transference occurs, partly sexual and partly about a different kind of intimacy, one that comes from a shared proximity to death. Actress Antonia Campbell-Hughes’ intriguing, evocative directorial debut “It Is in Us All” takes a similar moment as the catalyst for a moody, existential drama that may not be about car-crash fetishes but features no less peculiar, no less disturbing psychologies, fused imperfectly together in one violent instant on a lonely Donegal road.

The two strangers connected by the lethal accident are Evan (Rhys Mannion), the 17-year-old local who escapes unharmed while his friend is killed, and Hamish (Cosmo Jarvis), the urbane London professional on his way to check out the house bequeathed to him by…

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