‘It Doesn’t Make Any Sense’

Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on CNN’s “The Lead” that the Democratic Party needed to drop President Joe Biden from the presidential ticket.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “James, can President Biden win reelection this November?”

Carville said, “That is not the real question here. The real question here is we have a Supreme Court that’s bought and paid for by RVs and fishing outings. We have a country that 72% want something different. If the Democratic party can’t produce something different that 72% of people want, why do we exist? What are we here for? I mean, the country is clamoring for change,  and what are we going to offer them? The same stuff? It doesn’t make any sense, Jake. Give people what they want. They want something different. Let’s give it to them. I mean, I just don’t get the whole thing. I’ll be honest with you.”


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