Iran to Elect a New Carbon-Copy President

Apathy has been the hallmark of recent elections.

It’s presidential election time in Iran. On Friday, June 28, the enthusiasm for the national election will be palpable in the theocracy, with citizens lining up early to cast their ballots – or not. It seems there’s a malaise manifest among Iranian voters, prompting the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to address the people and encourage them to vote. The voter turnout in the last parliamentary election was barely over 40%, the worst in the Iranian Republic’s existence.

Iran: New President, New Worldview?

For the good Persians, it seems the attitude is that one theocratic dictator is as bad as the next, and the United States will react to the next Iranian president just the same. Tehran’s power elite will prompt the same tiresome “death to America, death to…

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