Industry Fraud Brings Down Boeing Planes

Senate subcommittee grants whistleblowers a platform.

Recurrent airline accidents involving Boeing jets have triggered both public alarm and government scrutiny. Despite assurances that manufacturing safeguards would be improved following two high-profile Boeing plane accidents in 2018 and 2019 that caused the deaths of 346 people, recent whistleblower revelations of a “broken safety culture” at the company have prompted ire from federal regulators. They have also attracted the attention of the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), which held a June 18 hearing not-so-subtly dubbed “Boeing’s Broken Safety Culture: CEO Dave Calhoun Testifies.”

A Series of Accidents

In March, a Boeing 777 embarrassingly lost a wheel at takeoff from San Fransico, forcing an emergency landing in Los Angeles. In January, a…

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