If you got “vaccinated” for COVID, you’re more likely to die: STUDY – NaturalNews.com

Researchers from Ohio State University recently discovered that fully vaccinated patients who test positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are much more likely to die than unvaccinated COVID patients.

Published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, their study states that “Among COVID-19 patients, mortality rate was significantly higher among Vax vs. NVax patients (p=0.002).”

“While mortality rates were 36% (n=25) and 27% (n=15) for non-COVID-19 [non-vaccinated] and [vaccinated] patients, respectively, in COVID-19 patients mortality rates were 37% [for non-vaccinated patients] and 70% [for vaccinated patients].”

Simply put, getting injected for the Chinese Virus increases one’s risk of death from COVID by nearly double, this compared to a much lower mortality risk among those who protected their natural immunity by choosing not to get jabbed.

The researchers also noted…

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