If the Democrats Ever Want to Win Again, They’re Going to Have to Stop Being the Left – RedState


The left has devolved, and I mean that word very pointedly. At some point, they departed reality and didn’t come back. 

When the left did so, the Democrat Party went with it… or perhaps it was the other way around. Either the radicals in the colleges raised what we know today as the left, or Democrat politicians, who constantly used the moral equivalent of war angle with every issue that came about, created an entire populace of people ready to believe that not getting their way meant the end of the world.

You tell me if the chicken came before the egg. 

The left is now comprised of a lot of cluster-B types, people who are so over-dramatic and self-obsessed that they see every complication or hurdle as life-threatening, and they will fight as if their lives depend on them winning the day. These people are literally insane, showing up at places dressed like lunatics and angrily…

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