If I Win Primary, ‘Establishment Will Absolutely Be Shocked’


Conservative candidate for Florida’s Fifth Congressional District Mara Macie said the “establishment will absolutely be shocked” if she wins her primary against RINO Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL) on Tuesday, telling Breitbart News Saturday that the establishment is already worried about a conservative takeover of Northeast Florida.

Macie discussed her primary battle against Rutherford, which officially goes down on Tuesday. Voters, she said, finally have an opportunity to replace a RINO with a true conservative.

“I’m in Jacksonville, which is going to have a higher Democrat turnout, and there’s a good chance that a Democrat would perform pretty well in Duval County. However, St. Johns County would carry it over the line for a Republican. So, it does not matter. The general election really is not — it’s not like the primary,” she explained. “The primary is…

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