‘If Biden Does Not Step Down, Democrats will Lose’

Abigail Disney, heiress to the family dynasty, announced on Thursday that she would halt her donations to the Democratic Party if Biden does not step down.

Speaking with CNBC, the granddaughter of Roy O. Disney said that she intends “to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket.”

“This is realism, not disrespect. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high,” she said. “If Biden does not step down, the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire.”

Courtesy of CNN Presidential Debate

Disney’s statement comes after Netflix co-founder and major Democrat donor Reed Hastings told the New York Times that Biden should step down.

“Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat…

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