Hugh Doty is running against RINO #91 Erin Houchin in IN-09. It’s time we get off our asses and start voting these RINO Scum out of office. VOTE FOR HUGH!


Erin Houchin is a very good RINO swamp rat with a #91 RINO Rating of 13 points. There isn’t a freedom or a uniparty spending bill she doesn’t like. In the last month or so She has had one good vote for the Biggs Amendment that would have required the G to get a warrant to spy on us, but when that failed she has voted for HR7888 in a complete contradiction. The HR 7888 the FISA Reauthorization that lets the G spy on American Citizens without a warrant. She also voted against the reconsideration of HR 7888. Not to out do herself she also voted yes on the uniparty gift to Ukraine and where ever the laundered money goes from it, HR 8035. Taking your freedoms and spending your money.

Hugh Doty is an American 1st Republican, lets start turn this train wreck around and vote for a true American. If we don’t Trump will have no allies in the house.

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